Monday, 15 August 2011

Strangly Understandable...

Oakyy Poplee Dno’t be Arlamed I Hevan’t Cpolmeetly Lsot It,
I am Jsut Tyrnig Smeohting Out. Aoccdrnig to rscheerch it deson’t mtaterwaht odrer the lttrees
in a wrod are so lnog as the frsit and lsat lttrees are in the rgiht palce. Eevryhting
esle can be a cmopltee mses and you can siltl udnresatnd. How cool is taht, the
pwoer of the hmuan mnid! Pehmonamal!

Well, typing like that is quite hard, so


The Tutrhufl one


Thursday, 11 August 2011

FanFiction Rules

Hi People and Llamas it is me again back with another blog post about something completley random. So today I have chosen to write about FanFiction....
What is fanfiction you may ask. Well it is basiclly somewhere where people can write how there own version of a TV programme, Plays, Books, etc. And thanks to my friends, I am now totally ADDICTED!Not in the normal sort of addiction where you will wait until the next day for the chapter to be put up...oh no I stayed up until quarter past one ( in the morning) to finish a fanfiction.
So just to inlighten all of you, I have put together all of my favorites that I've read so far.
Note: I know alot/all of them are about glee but don't despare. I will soon put up some of my fave FanFiction from other shows, books,etc.
Kiss - Possibly my favorite fanfiction so far, even though the title sounds slightly soppy the storys are brilliant. This wacky story is based on Glee and how many different ways that Klaine (Kurt and Blaine) can kiss, which is very funny when the warblers are around!
Random Rating: 7/10
Awesomeness Rating: 10/10
Eyebrow issues - Okay... this one is completely insane. It is based on the fact Blaine's (Darren Criss) eyebrows are too triangular. A very amusing read!
Random Rating:10/10
Awesomeness Rating: 8/10
Okay there should be more up soon so keep an eye out, well actually keep it in your head but...argh anyway there will be more up soon, and if you have written one, leave me a comment with the link to it and i will give it a review.
Text Speak
The Truthful One

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Talyor Returns!!!

I new it was to good to be true. I mean a month or so has gone past and there has been no sign of Taylor...Until now. Please note: if you haven't been reading my early posts, go back and read them, otherwise this post will seem to make no sense, like math, so just go back and read them. Anyway, I was sitting in my room reading the 7th Harry Potter book (Yay!) when I hear the oh-so familiar sound of a pigon banging its head against the window. I turn round to see Taylor, sitting there at my window, and even though taylor is quick I was quicker. I grabed my camrea and took a photo of him.
So here is Taylor below:
Yes the demon in all its glory... and rain.
I know this isn't the best photo in the world, But like I said he is quick.
And to any pigion fans out there, I hold nothing against pigions, blackbirds or any species of bird, I actully quite like them, but as you can probably tell, dis bird is CRAZY!
Taylor it's your turn in the lime light, your an internet star. (A crazy internet star but a star all the same!)
Suppose I should finish the book!
The Truthful One
Over and Out